The Blacklist Wiki

Hugues de Payens Hugues de Payens 1 October 2016

The Arsonist blacklist

I was wondering if anyone had an image of the blacklist that was at the end of The Blacklist volume 2 The Arsonist.

I usually buy the kindle editions but it was not included in the kindle version, and I don't really want to buy the paperback too.

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Hugues de Payens Hugues de Payens 9 August 2016

Season 4 wishlist

  1. Vanessa Cruz's return
  2. Drexel's client
  3. More of the Shell Island Retreat
  4. Why Milton Bobbit's client list was important
  5. Cooper and Reddington's Kuwait connection
  6. The meaning of the blacklist numbers (they haven't even mentioned the numbers in the series)
  7. Mention comic book and Conspiracy characters and events
  8. How the Front and the Kenyon Family came to possess pieces of the Fulcrum
  9. At least 1 mobster blacklister ( At the end of the first episode Red said: "A list I've been cultivating for over 20 years; politicians, mobsters, hackers, spies." We've seen at least 1 politician (Tom Connolly), some hackers (Ivan and The Troll Farmer), and some spies (Wujing, Leonard Caul, Manuel Esteban). But we haven't seen a mobster.)
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Hugues de Payens Hugues de Payens 7 April 2016

Tom Keen Spinoff

Just in case anyone didn't hear.

Tom is one of my favorite characters, and I can't wait to see what this series is goin to be about.

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Hugues de Payens Hugues de Payens 12 February 2016

NBC The Blacklist Site

I’ve noticed that the NBC website doesn’t always have the most accurate information about the blacklist.

For a time, they had Floriana Campo listed as the Freelancer, even though they are two different people.

As of right now if you look at the gallery of season 1 blacklisters , Ranko Zamani is not listed as one of them.

If you look at the photo galleries, the photos for Kings of the Highway are labeled Knights of the Road.

Mako Tanida ’s status is unknown. However, we know he was confirmed killed  in the episode, the connecting the criminals video, and in the blacklist comic book list.

For some reason Madeline Pratt 's and Ivan 's statuses are unknown, however we know they are still at large.  

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Hugues de Payens Hugues de Payens 12 January 2016

John X or The Gambler

Does anyone know if John X or The Gambler got a blacklist number in the fifth comic book?

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